tallest building?
2006-04-02 10:23:21 UTC
tallest building?
Seven answers:
2006-04-09 09:42:57 UTC
Its currently Canary wharf. the second tallest is the BT tower, however plans are underway to create a buildng called the london bridge tower which upon completion will be the tallest.

London Bridge Tower - 305 metres / 1000 feet

Canary Wharf - 235 m

BT Tower - 191 m
2006-04-02 17:27:13 UTC
Can't remember the name, but it's in Taipei. Taipei Tower I think. Took over from the Petronas towers a couple of years back. However, at the moment the title is hotly contested with the Shanghai Tower scheduled to overtake the Taipei one, and a tower in Dubai of undisclosed height the highest currently predicted (contradictorily enough). The tallest residential building is the Eureka tower in Melbourne. The tallest structure I am aware of is a radio mast in Warsaw.
2006-04-06 20:41:51 UTC
You posted this question in London category. The tallest building there is the Canada Tower in Canary Wharf
2006-04-03 01:47:41 UTC
the Taipei 101 . . . a beautiful building that grossing dwarfs everything else in Taipei.

So heavy that some suspect that it's causing microquakes along the fault line that runs throuh Taiwan.

But the building itself is supposed to be able to withstand a Richter 6+ Earthquake.
2006-04-02 17:28:31 UTC
taipei 101
eric b
2006-04-02 17:26:59 UTC
In the world? It's in Dubai, I believe.
2006-04-02 19:04:44 UTC
my apt bldg

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